A Chief Information Officer, or CIO for short, is a crucial aspect of any business that provides guidance on technological growth as well as information sharing within a business. Winona IT would like the opportunity to serve as your vCIO, or virtual Chief Information Officer. As your vCIO, Winona IT would aim to aid your company through growing and supporting your business in its Information Technology needs, as well as providing cost-effective strategic insight, planning, and organizational execution for your growing business, whether small or large.
What is a Virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO)?

The Advantages
Here are some of the advantages of using Winona IT’s vCIO offerings:
- Redesigning and repositioning of your IT capability to a level that enables your business goals and growth. Our solutions are much more than simply keeping the lights on; we will not push you to buy a specific product, instead we search for products that will work best for your business needs.
- Best available IT Solutions that match your company’s business goals and investment constraints. Working with multiple companies, we bring a diversity of solutions to the table with no biases.
- Substantial savings compared to hiring an in-house CIO. Furthermore, our expenses will be variable and flexible compared to fixed costs.
- A custom IT strategic plan that integrates with your business priorities and provides solutions for longer-term success.
If you are seeking a true strategic IT partner to take your business goals to the next level, contact us about our vCIO offerings!